The ensemble Esprit consists of the three siblings Katharina, Felix and Jonathan Geroldinger and was founded in 2008. Since then they play together in
the quite unusual combination of Flute/Harp, Baritone and Percussion(mainly Marimbaphone and Vibraphone). The ensemble regularly takes part in „Prima la musica“, the major youth competition for
chamber music in Austria, which they have won 11 times so far.
The ensemble plays about 20 Concerts per year and was awarded several special prizes:
2016 - Rotary award of the Rotaryclub Braunau
2015 - Winner of the audition „Klangfluss“ by Jeunesse Austria, winning a concert tour through Austria
2015 - as winner of the audition „Musica Juventutis“, the ensemble Esprit was awarded a concert in the Wiener
Konzerthaus, which was broadcast on national radio
2014 - Finalist at the Kiwanis Kunstpreis in Gmunden
2014 - Finalist in the chamber music competition „U19“ in the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Short biography of the 3 members:
Katharina Geroldinger: Flute/Harp
Born on December 7th 2000
started playing the flute at age 5 and the Harp at age 7, also did Jazz singing
2013 - 2017: Pre-college-student on the flute with Prof. Sonja Korak in the Special Class of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
- 2017 - 2019: Pre-college-student of Karl-Heinz Schütz at the Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität Wien
- since 2019: Bachelor student of Karl-Heinz Schütz at the Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität Wien
2014 - 2019: Student at the Musikgymnasium Linz
Several wins at the „Prima la musica“ national solo competition
2013: awarding of the Dr. Josef Ratzenböck-scholarship
2014: 1st prize at the international youth soloist competition in Treviso, Italy
2015: 2nd prize at the international youth soloist competition „Woodwind and Brass“ in Varazdin, Croatia
2018: winner of the audition „Musica Juventutis“ - was awarded a concert in the Wiener Konzerthaus, which was broadcast on national radio
Jonathan Geroldinger: Percussion, Marimbaphone, Vibraphone
Born on September 15th 1997
started his education on percussion at age 5
2009 - 2016: Student at the University Mozarteum Salzburg with Prof. Martin Grubinger
2011 - 2016: Student at the Musikgymnasium Linz
since 2016: Bachelor student of Josef Gumpinger at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Several wins at the „Prima la musica“ national solo competition
2009: awarding of the Dr. Josef Ratzenböck-scholarship
2014: 1st prize at the international youth soloist competition in Treviso, Italy with 100 points
2014: finalist at the Nibelungenpreis - competition at the Anton-Bruckner-Privatuniversität Linz
2015: participation in the Martin Grubinger-Percussive-Planet-ensemble showact at the Eurovision Songcontest in Vienna
Felix Geroldinger: Baritone
Born on February 11th 1996
started playing the cornet at age 7 and changed to the baritone at age 10
2014: graduated from the Musikgymnasium Linz
2015 - 2019: Bachelor study on Baritone and Trombone with Prof. Johann Reiter at the Anton Bruckner-Privatuniversität Linz
takes regular lessons with Steven Mead at the RNCM in Manchester and abroad
2011: awarding of the Dr. Josef Ratzenböck scholarship
2012: Winner of the Young Artist Euphonium competition at the International Tuba and Euphonium Conference in Linz
2013: Winner of the Young Artist Euphonium competition at the NERTEC at Ithaca College, New York and solo recital
2014: 1st prize at the international youth soloist competition in Treviso, Italy
2015: 1st prize and finalist at the international youth soloist competition „Woodwind and Brass“ in Varazdin, Croatia
2016: Semifinalist at the ITEC Euphonium Artist competition
2018: Winner of the European Soloist Competition in Utrecht (Netherlands)
- 2022: Winner of the audition for principal trombone at the Philharmonic Orchestra Vorpommern